Thursday, February 20, 2014

Ngiklan Produk Madu Herbal

Hari ini saya mau ngiklan soal madu herbal, kenapa saya bilang ngiklan? Karena emang saya ngiklan dan lebih enak ngomong duluan daripada didepan bilang nggak tapi ujung-ujungnya ngiklan.
Pertama saya buka botol madu ini, yang kecium adalah aroma khas jamu, dan kuat banget. Karena penasaran saya cicipin dulu rasanya. Manis-manis pahit dikit. pas saya mau minum beneran, saya baru inget klo saya belum netesin propolisnya tiga kali, itu lho zat penyusun sarang lebah yang salah satu khasiatnya nyembuhin radang.
gambar produk-poduknya dicomot dari website

Saya sebenernya baru pengen nuangin pengalaman saya ngonsumsi madu ini dua tiga minggu setelah saya yakin bener rasanya. Tapi sepertinya rencana itu saya revisi.  Saya lantas ngikutin ritual yang ada di kardus petunjuknya. Dua sendok makan madu ditambah tiga tetes propolis sama sedikit air saya minum. Tiga bahan itu masuk ke mulut, pas mampir dilidah, saya ngerasain puait-puait manis. Sensasi baru nongol pas madu herbal ini udah meluncur di tenggorokan. Entah darimana asalnya, aroma madu herbal ini ngingetin saya sama aroma minuman kola
Sensasi anget yang saya rasain beberapa menit setelah minum  madu herbal ini jadi alesan saya kenapa akhirnya saya pengen nuangin pengalaman ini lebih cepat. Mungkin sekitar 10-15 menit madu itu saya telen, badan kerasa anget di dalem tapi semriwing di luar, badan yang rada masuk angin jadi lebih enteng. Walaupun nggak sesemriwing hari pertama, sensasi anget terutama di bagian perut masih saya rasain setelah saya minum madu ini di hari kedua, bahkan pas saya ngetik sekarang ini pun masih kerasa

Konon khasiat madu ini bukan cuma buat njaga kesehatan atau baik buat ngatasin batuk dan sariawan aja, tapi juga baik buat perawatan hepatitis, kanker, tumor dan sebagainya. Harganya sendiri untuk yang 100 ml sekitar Rp 49.000 an. Mo bilang nggak murah juga boleh
Selaen madu herbal yang saya cicip tadi, masih ada minyak oles herbal yang konon baek untuk membantu proses penyembuhan salah urat, terkilir, perut kembung, radang tenggorokan, luka operasi dan beberapa penyakit lain
Produk herbal ini juga ada yang buat anak-anak loh. Madu herbal for kids, katanya dan kononnya baik untuk masa pertumbuhan dan nguatin daya tahan tubuh (ngiklannya kerasa banget yak bujug), perbotolnya Rp. 42.900 
Saya pribadi cuma ngiklan, Walaupun madu ini udah diuji sama UGM, khasiatnya baru bisa dirasain klo nyoba sendiri, untuk inpo lanjutan bisa nginbox ke tempat yang ngeshare (saya kamsudnya), atau kunjungin websitenyah di sini 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Skema Seedorf

I don’t have to be an expert to understand about Seedorf scheme. His players flows the ball from the back to the front through accurate passing. One will tend to pass the ball to the back instead when the front man is not ready to get the ball. Unsurprisingly, their pass accuracy reaches 85%: De Jong (92%), Kaka (88%), and Honda (97%), only Montolivo playerin the middle sector whose passing reach 80%.
Not only is their attacking style, Milan defense also easy to understand. In Seedorf’s scheme, all players ought to win the ball, including Kaka and Balotelli. In the last match Pazzini even   fault opponent players five times to win the ball in the match against Torino.
Because of this scheme, Milan may surround the defense area of their opponent. Their ball possession reaches 62 % against Torino. However, they find difficulties in making goal attempt since the opponents stay on their defensive area. That’s why Milan’s goal in the previous two matches is mostly if cannot say all made in dead ball situation. Milan’s win against Verona is determined by Balotelli penalty strike after kaka get fault in the penalty area.  Meanwhile, the winning goals against Cagliari are struck by Balotelli’s free kick, and Kaka’s goal, served by Honda’s corner kick     
Milan’s performance is expected to be better by the attendance of their new players. Rami is expected to protect the defense since Milan opponents makes 32 goals from 22 matches. Essien’s arrival may strengthen Milan’s middle sector. His athleticism may good addition for this sector since the De Jong is the only player who has the same type with Essien this season 
Milan’s targets for their offense in transfer market become an interesting issue.  Adel Taarabt, Jonathan Biabinany, Luis Nani, and Pablo Armero are speedy players with good dribble, including Armero. Although his position is wing back, his speed and acceleration makes the opponents cannot chase him when he runs to make goal attempts in their defensive area.  Those targets give blue print of Seedorf scheme. Their speed and striking give attacking option from flank and second line.  In the last match, the goal attempts are made by crossing by their wide players. However, the accuracy is not good enough, from 31 attempts, only 7 that find the targets.
Seedorf has brought Milan win their two Match and draw in the last match with lack of goal in an open play. However, his achievement should be appreciated.  The addition from transfer market hopefully can bring better result for Milan in this second half of the season,